24 January 2016

Recording times

Plans to record a new EP are under way! 

I have made a long list of the songs I will be recording this Spring with James at Motor Museum Studios and it's exciting to be making the selection... I will keep you posted regards progress and will share the EP making process with you step by step SheBeat style ^_^ 

One of the songs I will be recording is my latest written track Yours Sincerely, which I performed this weekend at Brink Liverpool for my Be Lovely Day showcase - Ian D Hall at Liverpool Sound and Vision liked it almost as much as I do judging by this review where he said 'a song of depth and fortune, is a track in which you will remember where you were when you hear it for the first time,' and it's the current fave to be my title track on my new EP...

Find my debut EP here
Or seek it out on Amazon or Spotify 
Twitter me @shebeatmusic 
Head to bbc.co.uk/introducing, upload your music and you could have your tracks broadcast on BBC Radio

7 January 2016

Being lovely

In 2012 I came up with a little idea called Be Lovely Day. Just a little effort to hopefully go a long way toward cheering up friends, family and colleagues in the bleak mid-winter. Inspired by Flower Thrower by Bansky, I wanted to remind all of us how important simple pleasures are in this one life we're all busy living. 

Four years later it is more than I could ever have hoped for and more! All around the world, lovely human beings will join forces on Saturday 23rd January and make the world a nicer place. Just because they can. Paying it forward I am giving away a free SheBeat track via Soundcloud - Believe is very much in the same vibe as Be Lovely and was written to cheer myself up, so I do hope you enjoy it too!

I'm also hosting and performing on the day at Brink Liverpool alongside a few musical friends from 2pm so do come along if you happen to be in the area - but being lovely can happen in your own time wherever you happen to be so let me know if you have any stories to share as a result of lovely efforts...

So whether you bake a cake for a relative, make an awesome mixtape for a friend or just pay some compliments to your neighbours: Lovely humans, I salute you!

Find my debut EP here
Or seek it out on Amazon or Spotify 
Twitter me @shebeatmusic 

Head to bbc.co.uk/introducing, upload your music and you could have your tracks broadcast on BBC Radio