This weekend I had the pleasure of speaking with two music loving gals in the United States, for It Matters Radio and this song Believe came up as a matter of course when discussing my songwriting... I try not to take life too seriously if I'm allowed, but if I had a message to the world via my songs it would be that kindness and positivity can make a difference in your life... Certainly has helped me along in my lifetime! You can tune in for the interview today at 3pm EST (which I understand to be 8pm on the UK clock) then it will be available as a YouTube watch which I promise to share the link for when I have it ^-^ HERE IS THE LINK LOVERS Happy Sundaying ya'll xo
Every year we have a #supermoon, this year apparently the biggest and best for many moons!
This is my related seasonal song...
Plans afoot to record this proper, a friend in Stoke helped me make this 'played live' version a few years ago, time for a revamp since it remains one of my favourites...
On my new EP is a recording of my song Rainproof... It was written as a cheerer-upper for when life is being a bore, but like our fav gal Dolly P always says, you'll never catch a rainbow without first sitting thru a bit of rain! The clocks went back this last week, and as the autumn turns to winter, our perspective gets little greyer along with the weather, so a good time to share a little SheBeat philosophy don't you agree?
"Stick together, whatever comes our way"
This Soundcloud version of the song was recorded on my iPhone, not bad all considering, after all, we're being our best glass half full today ;) For the new #properjob recording, head to the usual download places for a listen... And remember! Turn that frown upside down my friend! ^_^